Wednesday, December 7, 2016

3. What Satan says to God about us!

3. What Satan says to God about us!

We all say that we love and respect God and that we are good Christians. We don't feel that we are isolated from Him, because we don't harm anyone and definitely go to church three times a year. We believe that we are close to God. But Satan tells God different things about us.
With much audacity, as if he is the one who successfully dominates our lives, because we do whatever he puts in our minds, he turns to God and says:

 "They are mine! The day You gave them, has 24 hours and most of those they devote to me, living uncontrollably, without limits, with condemnation, anxiety and negligence...
I don’t mind that they dedicate five minutes to You to tell You something that they don’t even believe.
They tell You that You are their Father, who lives in heaven. But if they believed it, they would be seeking You all day in order to be blessed by You and to be taught Your Will.
They ask  that Your Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, but every day they do whatever I whisper in their ears or what I make them want through the desires that I put in their hearts.
They ask You for their daily bread and that's what they really want from You; to give them what they need to live and to continue to glorify me. This they particularly demand and if You don’t give it to them, then they curse You.
They ask You to forgive them, as they forgive others, that is, not at all. Even if You wanted to seem merciful, since they are not merciful towards others, You do not have the right to be merciful, as You told them to tell you, if they forgive others You will also forgive them.
They ask You to not allow them to fall into temptation, but to keep them safe from me, when at the same time, they are holding me tightly and will not let me go.
They allow me to enter their homes through the television; indeed, they have dedicated the most prominent and most beautiful location of their house to me. From there they receive me daily and let their senses be flooded by my demonic slanders. In this way, my own evil will passes into the depths of their souls: hatred, prostitution, sensuality, ambition, jealousy, revenge, perversions and everything that is against Your Will.
What have you accomplished God with Your love? Did You touch the emotions of even one of Your children? Even those who say that they adore You, easily fall when I test them.
They resist me only when they call Your own damned followers (Satan means God's saints), who as long as they lived on earth, through Your own divine love, sent me  away and those who call Your foolish servants (he means the angels), those who did not understand that if they had followed me, they would have the whole world as their own, but they only heard the thunderous voice of the cursed Michael and stayed behind near him, as slaves to serve You  and not free in the glory and freedom that someone acquires far from You.
Take Your crumbs beggar God, since these crumbs that they give You, they give You in such a contemptible way that they stab You in the heart instead of delighting You.
Listen to the false mocking words, that they hastily tell You and finally decide to let them be lost, since they abandoned You first".
Truly it hurts God’s heart when He hears these satanic words, which, however,  hide many truths.
Then, really, like a wounded beggar, He looks for at least one heart that burns with love for Him and when He finds it He says:
"I do not care about your mistakes, My child, I forgive them all, I only need to feel that your heart is beating only for Me, that you only adore and long for Me. Just give Me your heart and I will give you everything".
And hasn't He given us everything? We have authority over all His creation.
What have we given to Him?
Satan has managed to persuade us, that we can worship our God and, at the same time, enjoy whatever the demon offers us.
He doesn't ask for exclusivity, because he knows that he will lose us, but very craftily he tries to win us over. Maybe he has already done that?
If we think about what we do all day, we will understand to whom we belong.
Satan himself boasts to God and tells Him that we belong to him, that's why he is proud of the success he has over our souls.
Our God, hurt by the folly of His children who, on the one hand, say that we love Him and, on the other, sees us do whatever Satan wants, He urges us to wake up from the stupor into which Satan has put us. He calls us to put drops of truth into our blind eyes that we may see the real truth.
God, as an affectionate, but sad and wounded Father, in order to wake us up reminds us of some, unfortunately, true findings.
"Note down, my children, He says, on a piece of paper how many hours you devote to Satan, by living as he has taught you and see for yourselves,
¨ How many hours you spend on unnecessary comments and criticism,
¨ How many hours listening to diabolical music,
¨ How much time overeating and using harmful substances which dominate the body and makes it weak and out of control, a victim to carnal passions, and
¨ How many endless hours allowing the demon pollute your soul through your eyes, by surrendering yourselves to the TV watching anything dirty and immoral which inflates your ego and ambition, trying to persuade you that everything is permitted and we don't need to live with barriers, if we want to succeed in our lives.
Also note down, the moments you think of Me and tell Me the reason why you are motivated to do this.
Will it be "thank You" for everything I have given you?  And if you say it, will it come from your heart or just from habit?
Will it be "I love You"? And if you say it, will you feel it or will you say it because someone convinced you that I like to hear it?
Will it be a simple prayer to show Me that you consider Me a little bit? And why? Perhaps from fear in case something bad will happen to you or not to lose complete contact with Me, so when you need something I will hear you? Or maybe a simple plea for something you believe I owe you and will give you as your Father, that I am?
Be careful that Satan doesn't convince you that the time you spend talking to Me, completely pleases Me. Many of you hide in your heart jealousies and hidden selfishness and they are expressed in your life, making your words unbelievable.
No one can speak about Me, the God of infinite love, if he is not loving.
Look into yourselves and note down how much time you devote to Me. I already know the answer, as I experience it every day.
Those who will be surprised are you, when you compare the moments which belong to Me, with those you devote unconsciously to Satan.
Then you will know how you live and understand in whose embrace you are.
If you live according to My will, then you will have peace in your hearts, because you will be in My embrace.
But if you live in a lie, in wickedness and immorality, then you will have anxiety in your hearts, because you will be living in Satan's demonic embrace.
You, My beloved children, must choose the one who will win your soul.
You should know that to whomever you will deliver your senses, he will welcome you one day when you will leave this transient life.
If what you have discovered reassures you, keep living according to what you are already doing. If it troubles you, then change your life".
Heavenly Father God, forgive us all Your children, who by the way we live have allowed Satan to wrap us in his demonic nets and now, because of this, he mocks You our merciful Father.
Help us get rid of our bad habits, change our lives and, as Your children, to live according to Your divine Will on earth.