Wednesday, December 7, 2016

11. Myron vessels of love

11. Myron vessels of love

Dimitris together with his friends, all students in the medical school of the university, are going up the mountain, to see and talk with the wise elder, who lives there ascetically in the monastery of the Archangels.
They heard so much from Dimitris about his holiness and wisdom, that they wanted, out of curiosity mostly, to get a closer look and see if everything they heard from their friend is true.
They are excited by the beauty of the mountain. The scenery is impressive, with the gurgling water of the brook flowing tirelessly in the green forest and the birds incessantly chirping the song of joy.
But Dimitris’ friends’ enthusiasm will grow when they see the elder ascetic welcoming them with that sweet warmth of his paternal love. Although they were seeing him for the first time, it did not take long for them to feel very comfortable and very at ease with him.
It is true that some people of God are so good and sweet, that when you are close to them, they make you feel that you are in the presence of God Himself. With their wise words, they give you hope and joy and with their paternal behaviour full of sincerity and love, they help you to want to also love the sweet God, who lives within them. These people are a true image of God on earth. With the serenity that they have in their hearts they calm you and with the peaceful way that they speak to you, they remove any agitation that tortures your soul.
All these things became so noticeable throughout the whole group of young students that one of them asked:
-Holy father, we are all feeling so wonderful close to you, that if it was not an indiscretion, we would like to ask you where you find this power to transmit your serenity to us?
-The power that you speak of is not my own, but from Him who I love and adore. It is the power of the divine maternal love, which God Himself has for each person. When we love God with all the strength of our hearts, then He floods us with that strength of love. We become, without realizing it, a myron vessel of God's love, which brings the fragrance of divine mercy to all people. And I say this to all people, because this wonderful perfume is not only smelt by good people but also bad people. This perfume has the power to make even the most perverse people want to change their lives and to become better.
-While it's so nice what you say, and I would also love to become such a myron vessel of love, it seems to me very difficult to achieve.
-Nothing, my child, is difficult for someone who wants it. Moreover, our Lord would never ask us for something if it was not easy for all people to achieve. Simply, to succeed, we must become like little children, who with childish simplicity and trust in our heavenly Father, we will follow the path that He will show us in order to accomplish it.
-Why can't we succeed as adults and we must become like little children?
-Adults, my son, think they know everything, so they don't easily accept something that someone else can show them, even God Himself. How many people believe in God's words and want to live according to His fatherly advice? While children, especially young children, who love and fully trust their mum and dad, always do what their parents tell them. A parent can easily hold his small child in his arms, to cover it with caresses and kisses. But this is difficult and sometimes not possible at all, when the child grows up. That is why God asks us to stay young children in mind and heart, in order to keep us in His divine embrace, like a mother holds her baby and strokes it with her motherly caresses. It is the moment when mother and baby are one under the power of absolute love. It is the moment when the child is living the ultimate happiness in the kingdom of maternal affection and tenderness. But it is also the moment that the mother lives the amazing, unique happiness of maternal love which she has for her offspring. When God asks us to become like little children, He does it so He can hold us deeply in His divine heart and transform us by the grace of the Holy Spirit into myron vessels of love. Whoever enters into His divine heart and tastes the infinite motherly and fatherly love, he himself becomes the same as the heavenly Father. A myron vessel of love and compassion! The Holy Spirit transforms this man into an earthly angel, who lives with love and spreads joy and serenity everywhere.
-How can we the adults become like little children?
-When you decide to do what little children do. To trust your heavenly Father, like a baby trusts his mum and with absolute obedience do whatever His motherly love advises you through His holy Gospel. This is called "spiritual infancy" and is the most perfect way for someone to easily enter into the kingdom of God. It is the path that numerous Saints followed and became, even in this life, the myron vessels of divine love of our God.
-What should we do first in order to start?
-From today on you should start to ask our heavenly Father to flood your soul with the grace of the Holy Spirit and His divine love. Without these two things you cannot achieve anything. With His Holy Spirit, when you will decide to confess all your sins with sincerity and without shame, He will first cleanse your soul of any contamination. Then He will start to dress you with the glittering clothes of virtue and finally He will anoint you with the wonderful aroma of His maternal love, for you to be able to transmit it everywhere. When the Holy Spirit floods your soul, everything that is not love, will not be able to stay in your heart. Any form of selfishness, malice, envy, jealousy, condemnation, defamation and ruthlessness will disappear. Everyone will see only your love, honesty, forbearance, compassion and kindness. A courteousness, stateliness, regality, like the princes you will be of the great king our God.
-Will we achieve all these things with the coming of the Holy Spirit, holy father?
-Yes, my child. Only with the power of the Holy Spirit can a man become a myron vessel of God's love. The Holy Spirit, however, is given by our good God only to those people who would love Him with all the power of their soul and they will trust Him with absolute obedience, like a baby trusts his mum. Only through the divine love that a soul has for the heavenly Father, may the Holy Spirit come easily and flood it with His divine gifts.
-How can we achieve divine love?
-Mainly with prayer and Holy Communion. With prayer you beg God to give you it and with Holy Communion you slowly become one with your heavenly King. Each time we receive Holy Communion, we put the compassionate Jesus, the Son of God, in our heart. When He sees that our soul is humble and does not judge other people and is searching for Him with much love and longing, then He slowly begins to fill our hearts with His divine love.
-Do we comprehend all these things, when they are happening, holy father?
-Of course, my child. You will understand from the serenity that you will have and the beautiful spiritual changes, that will take place within your soul. For example, when your soul will begin to be filled by the grace of His divine love, you will feel much love for all people, even your enemies. You become, without  understanding it, a universal mother, as is our sweet Jesus, who will love the whole world and will feel compassion with maternal love for every sinner  and distressed man. You will be a myron vessel of love, which will spread the divine aroma of love, kindness, compassion and understanding everywhere.
-Please bless all of us, holy father, so that we can all start from today the most beautiful struggle of our lives! To become God's myron vessels of love, which will pour the myrrh of joy and love everywhere.