Wednesday, December 7, 2016

2. The most merciful Father

2. The most merciful Father

The greatest joy for a child is to have good parents. The nicest thing a child can have in this life is its mother's tender love and the loving protective presence of its father. Only an orphaned child can understand the suffering from the lack of such parents.
But the same suffering is felt by those people, who think that they are orphaned from the presence of a heavenly Father God. How many people really feel sadness and sorrow because, due to their sins, they think that God does not love them, but is ready to punish them and send them to hell for the mistakes and the sins they have made or are still making.

But is this true? Is our heavenly Father God, such a cruel, terrible and punisher that Satan presents to people?
No, a thousand times, no. On the contrary, He is the most loving, affectionate and MOST MERCIFUL FATHER, who with maternal love, adores all His children as a mother adores her baby.
He is the only Father who employs every kind of love and pedagogy, so that one day all His children will come to the heavenly kingdom which He has made for them.
He is the only Father, who for the sake of all His children, so they would not be under the binding power of deceitful Satan, sent His only begotten Son to be crucified and by His sacrifice opened the gates of Paradise for all sinners.
All He asks from us is that we believe in Him as the Creator of our existence, to love Him as the Father of our souls and to trust Him, as a baby trusts his sweet mother.
That is the ultimate secret to be happy and peaceful on this earth!
Jesus consoles the repentant sinner!
A young man lived the greatest part of his life with many sins and prodigality. But, one day, he was so remorseful for the great and shameful sins that he had committed, that he decided to leave the world and become a monk. Every day he was crying bitterly for his many sins and couldn't be consoled.
One night, Jesus appeared in his dream surrounded by a heavenly light and went close to him and said the following to him:
-What is wrong with you, My child, that makes you cry with so much pain? He asked in a sweet voice.
-I am crying, my Lord, because I fell into many sins, the sinner said in despair.
-Oh, then stand up!
- I cannot by myself, Lord.
Then the King of love stretched out His divine hand and helped him stand up. But he still didn't stop crying.
-Why are you still crying?
-I am in pain, my Christ, because I made You sad. I wasted the richness of Your gifts in a sinful life.
Then our philanthropist Lord put His divine hand affectionately on the distressed sinner's head and said to him:
-Since you are suffering so much for Me, I have stopped being sad for your past.
The young man raised up his eyes to thank his Saviour, but He wasn't there anymore. In the place where He was standing a huge shining Cross had formed. Relieved now from the burden of sin, he knelt down before it.
With gratitude in his soul, after seeing that vision, the young man went back into the world, to become the most ardent preacher of repentance and the infinite mercy of our Lord.
With his words and his great love for God, he helped many children, who had been led astray, to leave sin and to come close to God.
Patience and perseverance in the struggle
   When a man decides to repent for his mistakes and to return into His heavenly Father’s embrace, Satan gets really angry. He tries then, by all means, to throw this man into despair or to convince him that there is no longer salvation for him.
Then he needs more patience and perseverance in this beautiful struggle for his salvation.
     A young man, who had been led astray by the terrible power of bad habits, was regularly falling into a serious carnal sin. But he didn’t abandon the struggle. After every fall he was repenting for his mistake and he was begging God, with tears in his eyes, with these painful words:
-Save me Lord, whether I want to or not. I, like soil that I am, easily fall into the mud of sin. But, You, have the strength to stop me. Isn't it wonderful, my God, if You show mercy to the righteous man, or save the virtuous, because they are worthy to feel Your love. To me the sinner, show Lord Your philanthropy and mercy and save me in a miraculous way because, despite my great misery, the miserable only resort to You!
The young man was saying this with remorse when he was conquered by his evil passion, but also when he was calm.
One day, when he was defeated by his passion and after desperate resistance, he knelt down and repeated the same words, shedding many tears of repentance.
His overpowering hope in divine mercy angered Satan so much, that he appeared before him and said to him full of malice:
-You poor man, don't you feel the slightest shame, when in such an awful state you dare to pray and speak God's name? Learn once and for all, that for you there is no salvation.
The brave fighter was not afraid, nor did he lose hope, as the devil expected.
-You should also learn, he answered bravely, that my struggle is like the blacksmith. You hit once and then again. I will not stop fighting against you through repentance and prayer, until you are fed up of fighting me with sin.
-Is that so? shouted the devil with malice. From now on I will stop fighting you, so I don't increase the rewards of your patience and he immediately disappeared.
From that moment Satan's fight against that young man ceased. But he didn't stop being careful for one moment and often cried when he remembered his mistakes.
Lame excuses
The struggle for our salvation is the most wonderful struggle we make during our earthly life.
It is the only struggle that makes the angels happy and God the Father proud of us. But it is also the only struggle that scares Satan, since it sends him far away from us and doesn’t allow him to have power over us anymore.
   The only way to regain us is to create confusion by sowing various evil thoughts in our mind.
These thoughts are mostly two kinds. They are thoughts of doubt about our God’s love and mercy for us and, secondly different kinds of excuses to prevent or at least to delay us from the holy Sacrament of Confession. Some of them are:
¨Isn’t it better to tell my sins to the holy icon of Christ rather than to the priest?
¨Why should I tell my sins to the priest since he is also a sinner?
¨I still have time to repent, etc.
We can contradict these excuses if we consider that:
¨Our Lord didn’t give the authority of forgiving sins to the holy icons, but to His Apostles and their successors. (John 20:22-23)
¨Our salvation does not depend on the moral quality of the priest, but only by the grace of the Holy Spirit, which is transmitted by him through the holy Sacrament of Repentance and Confession. A rose never loses its perfume, whether it is held by a sinner or a saint.
¨Who knows what could happen to us in the next moment or day? Delay is dangerous and a strong weapon in Satan’s hands.
May God give us all
deep, heartfelt and
sincere repentance.
It is a valuable ladder to
Heaven and Paradise!