Wednesday, December 7, 2016

15. Talk to God like a little child

15. Talk to God like a little child

-Many times, Father, I've heard you talk about the value and the power of prayer. I was impressed when you said that, of all the virtues it is the only one that, when done correctly, can very easily bring Divine Grace to our soul. You also said that Satan fears it very much because it burns him and destroys his evil powers! Therefore, I would like to ask you, if possible, to tell me more about it and help me learn how to correctly pray to our Lord.
-The fathers of our Holy Church, my child, named prayer the queen of virtues! And do you know why? Because by itself it has the power to unite a soul with its Creator! All other virtues simply help a soul to ascend to the throne of God. Prayer, however, when made with faith and humility, has the power to put you in the arms of God and help you experience, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the infinite motherly love with which your heavenly Father adores you! Through prayer you can also feel His infinite compassion for you and how much He wants to hold you like a child in His loving fatherly heart! Through prayer, every time you will ask forgiveness for your mistakes, He will bend down with much adoration and love,  to tell you that He forgives you and how He wants you to become His small earthly angel! Through prayer you become one with your beloved God the Father, since you give Him the pleasure of holding you tightly in His arms and listening to the voice of His beloved child. Prayer, my child, is the most sacred moment for each person, since only with this can a man be worthy to speak with his almighty Father and the Creator of the whole universe. Prayer is the quickest path that leads you directly to God's kingdom, which is why all the Saints loved prayer more than any other virtue.

-With all that you have told me, my reverend father, you made me to even more want the virtue of prayer. That is why I would be very grateful if you would help me to learn how to pray and to what I should pay attention to in my prayer, so that is pleasing to our good God and not a reason to hurt Him like the Pharisee of the parable.
-Indeed, my child, while prayer is the most perfect way and path for someone to be close to God, when it is done in the wrong way, it is  the reason to enrage the compassionate heart of God and to provoke the joy of the demons. That is why it is very important to know some things, which are the secret of proper prayer.
-I am impatient, Father, to learn the secret of proper prayer!
-Remember, my child, that three things are the necessary basis for a proper prayer which will unite you with your almighty Father and Creator. Without these three things prayer is simply a narration of certain prayers, which, however, do not invite Divine Grace. On the contrary, many times, they can cause God's sorrow and the derision of demons.
-What are these three things?
-First, we must be humble and not criticize anyone. That is, not to pray like the Pharisee, with pride and feelings of superiority or a critical attitude and contempt for other people. The critical attitude we have towards others, easily making comments and criticizing them, does not allow our prayer to ascend to the throne of God. God refuses to hear the prayer of a selfish and envious man who criticizes his fellowman. The terrible passions of hatred, envy, jealousy, ruthlessness, malice and malevolence, that is to rejoice at the misfortune of your fellowman, do not allow the prayer to act positively on his soul, as they have their roots in human selfishness. On the contrary, they cause God's judgment and make the demons rejoice for the soul's misery. God does not listen to, and even more doesn't hold in His arms, someone who criticizes his fellowman. Only God has the right to judge. Demons can very easily conquer a soul and make it subservient, when it serves this cursed sin of condemnation with selfishness and audacity.
-I understand, my reverend father, how terrible it is for someone to pray with selfishness, envy, jealousy, and condemnation and instead of divine compassion it provokes the righteousness of God! From today on I will beg God to give me humility and love, so that my prayer may be heard and pleasing.
-Well, since you have understood how important it is to pray with humility of heart to your heavenly Father, we will now learn what the second thing is that makes a prayer strong, pleasing to God and destructive to the evil designs of demons.
-I can't wait to learn it, my reverend father!
-Secondly then, the prayer must be done with faith and trust in God. It is important to firmly believe that God your Father loves and adores you, and He is for you the real Father and Mother of your soul. As your Father, He is always there for you, to listen to you, to whatever you may say to Him. So that's why you should never doubt that He hears you. And do not believe the devil, when he tells you that you are so sinful, that God does not deign to listen to you. God never despises any of His children, no matter how sinful he is, when he humbly lifts his eyes to heaven, to talk to his heavenly Father.
-Father, does God satisfy every man's desire, when he is praying?
-God, my child, is behaving towards humans as a sweet mother or a loving father are behaving. When we ask for something that is right and good, then He allows it. When, however, He sees that what is asked for is not only incorrect, but will harm us in the future, He does not allow it. Many times man asks for things that are worthless and don't bring true joy and happiness. They are satisfying his vanity and complacency more and less, if at all, the salvation of his soul. Of course, there are some cases when His child insists, He consents and fulfills his will, even though that will be fateful for him some day.
-Why, though, does He do this father, knowing that it will harm him in the future?
-He does it to prove to us by experience that it is better and more correct in our lives to trust more our loving Heavenly Father and less, or not at all, our own logic. But now you have to learn the third and final thing that makes prayer perfect and divine.
-I can't wait to learn!
-The third, and most essential, my child, is to talk to our Lord with simplicity and adoration, which a small child has towards his parents! Then the words of the prayer should come from the heart and not from the mouth, and you will ask the Holy Spirit only for God's love and not for futile and meaningless demands. This is, my child, the most beautiful secret in our relationship with God. From today on you will pray like this. Talking to your heavenly Father, as a small child, who is lying with total trust in His fatherly and motherly embrace. Like a child who completely trusts the judgment of his father and tells him: "Father, give me whatever you want, because only You know what is best for me. I only want to love and adore You and to do what is pleasing to Your holy Will." That's why when you pray to God you should use the phrase "my Heavenly Father." It is very nice to enclose yourself like a baby in the arms of your Heavenly Father and there, honestly and with childish simplicity, to talk to Him about everything that you have in your mind and in your heart; about good, but also about bad things. For the joys in your life, but also for the mistakes you made. For the first ones to thank Him and for the latter to ask for forgiveness because you hurt Him. Mostly, though, to tell Him about the great love hiding in your heart for Him. It is what will make God hold you tightly in His arms and fill you with the gifts of His love.
-Bless me, my reverend father, so I can pray to my sweet God like this from today on!