Wednesday, December 7, 2016

13. On the feast day of our Holy Virgin Mary

13. On the feast day of our Holy Virgin Mary

Maria together with her fiancé John went up the mountain, to the chapel of the Archangels, to attend the divine Liturgy and to receive the Body and Blood of their well-beloved King Jesus, on that great day of the feast of our Holy Virgin Mary.
Both of them love God very much and want to have a blessed family, which will worship the Creator and will live according to His Will.
After the divine Liturgy they did not leave immediately, but sat under a big shady tree beside the stone spring of cool water to enjoy the beauty of the mountain and thank God for the many gifts He gave them.
Their joy grew when they saw the elder priest approach them and sit near them like a sweet father close to his children.

-My child, Mary, I came to wish you many happy returns for your name day. I wish that you will become like our sweet mummy, the Holy Virgin Mary.
-Thank you very much, holy father. Although I am a young girl who makes lots of mistakes and sins, I would very much like to become, even a little, like our heavenly Mummy. You would give us much joy if you would tell us something about our sweet Holy Virgin Mary, that will help us both to love Her Son more and more.
-It is also a great pleasure for me, my beloved children, to speak to sweet souls, who are searching with much desire and yearning to know and love our sweet king Jesus with more affection. This is also the main reason that our holy Church established all these holy feasts.
-What do you mean, father?
-On the feast days of our Saints we always remember, my daughter, our heavenly Father, Whom they also loved with adoration and for His sake suffered greatly. Every time a Saint celebrates we remember how we also need to live, in order to get into the heavenly kingdom of God. That is why every Saint's celebration is for us an opportunity to be like them. To learn how they lived in this life to please God, so we can imitate them and to live here on earth as they lived. Every Saint has something different to teach us about his personal struggle, but also the virtues that each of them loved the most. As there are many flowers, different in shape, beauty and fragrance, so the flowers of God, our Saints, differ from each other in the way they struggled to remove their mistakes and to love God. While, however, they differed in the type of exercise they applied to reach the arms of their beloved God King, all of them had one thing in common, which was the common secret of their heart.
-What was that, holy Father?
-All of them, my children were very divinely in love with their heavenly King God. While they knew they were very sinful and unworthy of divine Grace, however, like small children who love and adore their mother and they cannot live without her, so they longed to live like babies in the arms of their beloved God. Their struggle, although it was long and difficult, however, was made with great joy by them, because their motivation was the love that burned in their hearts for their Beloved and not fear of being punished for their mistakes or condemned to hell for their sins! A struggle, my children, which is made from love, is always the most beautiful! It is the only struggle in which you have the will to persevere without getting tired or discouraged. A struggle which is made from love, is the one which makes God very happy with His children and bless them richly with His divine Grace.
-Holy father, in what way did Our Holy Virgin Mary struggle so much that She managed to win the highest point of divine Grace?  John asked.
-Our Holy Virgin Mary, my son, did the most valuable thing a person can do for God, but also what God could ask from His every child. She trusted Her heavenly Father with absolute love and obedience as a baby trusts his sweet mummy. Her mind, Her heart, Her eyes and Her lips were speaking only of Her God. And even though She was human, She lived like an angel on earth, showing all of us how we too can live like this. She didn't do something difficult or impossible to attract divine Grace and be the Mother of God Himself. She simply surrendered all Her existence to His divine love and His Will. That is, She followed the path of spiritual infancy and became a baby in His heart. In the person of our sweet Holy Virgin Mary our God Himself shows us the easiest way to get to know Him, to love and to share His divine Grace so that we will be worthy one day to enter into His heavenly kingdom, where only joy and happiness exist.
-What does spiritual infancy mean, father? Maria asked to learn with much desire and yearning.
-It means, my good child, to live like a baby in the arms of God with complete trust in His will and He will be for you your only Mother and Father. And as a child does not recognize anybody else as his parents, except those who gave him life, so you also recognize as a true Mother and Father of your soul He who created you. Moreover, we must not forget that our earthly parents only give us our body, while our immortal soul is only given to us by our God. So if we call parents those, who gave us only the body, how should we call our Creator who gave us the immortal soul? For our Holy Virgin Mary, God was the Mother and Father of Her soul, that's why She obeyed His divine Will as an obedient little child. She lived the wonderful path of spiritual infancy so faithfully and consistently, that made God trust Her with His only begotten Son to become Her Son. So the Son of God was not only Her own God, but also Her own Son. He became Her Son and Her God.
-Holy father, if we follow the path of spiritual infancy which our Holy Virgin Mary also walked, will we be able to love Christ as our Son and God as She does?
-Of course, my child. This is furthermore, the most important message that the Holy Virgin Mary wants to give us on this feast day. That is, whoever follows the path of spiritual infancy and becomes a small child, in God's arms, can live the greatest mystery of the world like our Holy Virgin Mary; to become the Son of God, the Son of Man, and his Son! To hold Him in his arms, like our Holy Virgin Mary did, with divine love as his unique heavenly treasure. Then he will be worthy to be a child in God's arms, but at the same time, a little mother to the holy Infant of Bethlehem, the small sweet Jesus. This is the miracle of miracles. For the Son of God, to become the Son of Man. To be our sweet Jesus, as He is for our Holy Virgin Mary, our Son and our God. But for this to happen, we must be simple and humble like children, without malice, hatred, envy and jealousy. Not to be ruthless and cunning, but very honest and merciful. To easily ask for forgiveness for our mistakes and not let our anger to last more than it would in the heart of a child, that is, only a short time. To achieve all these things, we can use a great and important virtue, which our Holy Virgin Mary had and her soul was greatly blessed.
-What was that virtue?
-It was prayerful silence. She never spoke unnecessary words, that might upset Her heavenly Father or embitter Her fellowman. The few words She spoke were like honey from her mouth, spreading only joy, hope and peace to all people. Our Holy Virgin Mary knew very well that the foundation of spiritual life is to be humble in mind, to love God with all the power of your heart and speak to Him as a child talks to his dad. Additionally, this is the strength of true prayer. Talking to God your Father with your prayer as a child talks to his dad. To speak to Him about everything, for good things that you did, but also for the bad ones. And to truly repent for the bad things you have done and to ask for forgiveness, and to ask Him to give you humility for the good things you did, not to lose the reward of your good deed, and in addition to bless you, so you can do even many more good things in His holy name.
-Please bless us, father, so we can follow from today on the wonderful way of spiritual infancy!