16. Three great evils have started
-I heard you saying
father that, because of our sins, three great evils have started, which all of
humanity will soon have to face. Could you please tell me more about this?
-All the world, my
child, is a vast earthly kingdom, which is ruled by several leaders. We, the
people, elect these leaders according to our beliefs and desires. When we
respect God and strive to live according to His Will, we elect the right and
pious leaders. God then blesses the people and the country, so that the people
live happy and cheerful lives, but also for the country to enjoy the great gift
of peace. Nature, seeing the love of man towards its Creator, becomes his
friend and ally and generously gives him its fruits and its gifts.
-Father, can nature
perceive the spiritual changes in the human soul?
-But of course, my
child! We think it doesn't feel and understand. I'll tell you a small example
of a modern and very visionary Saint of this century, St. Porphyrios. Well,
once, the holy Porphyrios asked his spiritual daughter: "Do the rocks
speak, my child?" She replied: "Of course not, reverend!". Then
he said: "Of course they speak, my child, they have told me many stories
of the struggles that the monks on Mount Athos have made!" Everything created
by God, my beloved child, obeys the laws and commandments of God. When a storm
blew up and was ready to sink the boat in which Christ and His disciples were,
do you remember how the sea and the winds reacted to Jesus' command, when He
ordered them to be calm?
-The storm
immediately stopped and the disciples admired the fact that even all of nature
obeyed the commands of their Master!
-Do you also
remember what happened when the Jews crucified the Lord?
-Yes, Father, the
whole of nature protested. The earth shook, the sky darkened, the sun hid, and
so many others things happened which made some people ask themselves if Jesus
was truly the Son of God.
-So we see, my
child, that nature reacts when man opposes God and His Will. And much more when
man denies God and lets the spirit of evil dominate his soul. Then, it not only
reacts, but rebels with much anger and rage and allows all its power to explode
upon the blasphemous and selfish man. Today, once again, the whole of nature is very angry about the impiety and corruption of
man, who engages in immoral acts which offend every moral law. Man lives
like there's no God, Who sees him and will judge him! Indeed, so as not to
have someone to oppose him, he passes laws that guarantee the right of sin and
debauchery, without anyone's opposition. The worship of Satan is returning,
through a wide range of satanic activities, which are already being advertised,
to deviously conquer innocent children and adults. With laws, supposedly
democratic, they even allow temples to be built to Satan, so that Lucifer's
theory can be taught formally and freely! With regret we may easily see
citizens and leaders competing with each other to become more irreverent and
blasphemous. The appearance of the Antichrist is
approaching and the evil children of Lucifer are preparing for the coming of
their satanic father. How do you think nature will react to all these things,
my child?
-I understand,
father, that the rebellion of nature is one of the three great evils which has
started. How, though, will it manifest?
-With the most
basic way, which is the most important for human survival. It will stop
producing fruits easily for the people. The rivers will flood and destroy large
areas of arable land. In other places, the sky will dry up, denying people the
precious water they need, both to drink and to irrigate the land so it will
give forth their own fruits. Volcanoes will devastate many areas and
earthquakes will shake the earth, in order to shake the selfishness of people
to awaken their sleeping consciences. God will allow nature to oppose the first
great evil, which people are ready to do through destructive wars that have
already been planned. And it will oppose it first, because if it doesn't, the
destruction that people want to bring through nuclear weapons they have
available will cause irreparable damage to the creatures of the world.
Therefore, large tracts of land will be ravaged by natural phenomena, so that
Lucifer's people will not be able to destroy them with their own diabolical
means and plans for the world. In this way God helps man to wake up and
understand that He alone dominates nature and His creation will be preserved
for the next generation, which will be very strong in God's love.
-Father in the rebellion
of nature will the pious suffer together with the wicked people?
-No, my child. In
the difficult years to come, nature will be an ally and helper to those people
who will respect and love the one true God. With many miracles it will give to
the pious the necessary food for their survival, thus strengthening their
faith; while it will deprive all the wicked, who will have denied their God and
will have believed in the false prophet and the Antichrist.
-Father, you
mentioned the wars that the satanic people are considering making. Are you
referring to the Third World War?
-The Third World War started long ago. Now it is on a
smaller scale and is taking place in various parts of the world, creating
innumerable crowds of refugees. It will
last for many years until the time of the Antichrist, creating worldwide destruction,
that will change the shape of the world as we know it today. This war will be
completed in several stages, each time pulling more and more countries into its
destructive fury.
-What will happen
with Greece?
-It is a fact that
war is on the threshold of our home. But for blessed Greece and Cyprus things
will not be terrible.
-Why, Father?
-Our country is
protected by our very sweet Holy Virgin Mary. It is the only country where many
divine Liturgies are celebrated and people believe in and love our heavenly Father, His only Son, our
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. However, in the other countries where they have
forgotten God and His laws, terrible things will happen now. Pain, grief,
death, despair and every form of bitterness will prevail everywhere. War will
be the third great evil that will happen.
-You spoke, father,
about the two great evils. For the rebellion of nature and war. What is the
third one?
-Unfortunately, my
child, it is not the third, but the first and the basis from which the other
two which I mentioned will occur. It is the persecution of our faith. For the
dark forces to prepare for the coming of the Antichrist, and his acceptance by
the world, they will start a merciless
war against the true Christians, which will result in a great
persecution. Many Christian Churches will succumb to the unbearable
pressure that will be put on them and they will join the satanic pan-religion
which will be created. The False Prophet will be its leader. He will cooperate
peacefully with the Antichrist, helping the people to submit to him more
easily. Christian symbols and the cross will be abolished and there will be new
ones, which will represent the role of the Antichrist. The sacred Mysteries
will be abolished as unnecessary, and the sacred hymns will be changed with new
ones, which will be imposed by the satanic authority. The divine Liturgies, as
we know them will cease and will be celebrated secretly only by faithful
priests to the true Christ. Impious priests and high priests, who will have
declared allegiance to the Antichrist, will celebrate supposedly divine
liturgies, which, however, will be flooded with the spirit of darkness. True
Christians will be persecuted everywhere. The
persecution will be great and unprecedented. Despite the persecution,
however, great Saints will emerge and many miracles will be performed by them.
Angels and Saints will all be on earth to strengthen the real Christians. Parallel
with the official church of pan-religion, which will enjoy the general
admiration of the world, for the supposedly many good and charitable works that
it will make in the name of the Antichrist; another Church, the church of modern catacombs, will
emerge. It will be flooded with the grace of the Holy Spirit and will consist
of an innumerable angelic army of true Christians. The first phase of this war
will be launched by the Muslims. The Christian world will experience terrifying
times under the sword of the Muslims. Then they will impose other measures for
the total submission of the people to the Antichrist's system. The most
important of all will be the insertion of a microchip in the right hand and the
damned number of the Antichrist on the forehead of the people.
-Father, how will
we resist all these things?
-By faith and
divine love in the true Christ! With these two virtues the first Christians
also fought their pagan persecutors. This persecution will help people
understand that they are not Christian in their morals and faith, but only in
tradition. Not in moral life, but also in customs. That's why God will allow
this to separate the chaff from the wheat; true Christians from the false ones.
-Please bless me,
my reverend father, to help me to love my Lord with all the strength of my
heart and never deny Him!